We are updating our application to be able to support WebSocket secured connection with RTDS.
We have several questions :
First, we udpated our ADS to be compatible with secured connection updating the below property :
*ads*distribution_ws_sink*connectionType : 1
Then we restarted the ads.
Is it all ?
Do we need to update/change other properties ?
What about these ones ?
*ads*distribution_ws_sink*serverCert :
*ads*distribution_ws_sink*serverPrivateKey :
Secondly, how can we test the connection ?
With wsapi_tryitnow, we can see that the connection to non secured WebSocket API is done through :
var WS_URL = 'ws://' + hostName + ':' + portNumber + '/WebSocket';
_websocket = new WebSocket(WS_URL, "tr_json2");
Is it the same with WSS ?
Do we need to change WS_URL from 'ws://' to 'wss://' ?
Do we need to change anything else ?
Thanks for the help.