I am using the Eikon API with Python on Windows (with a desktop session). I am instantiating a historic_pricing.Definition class and calling .get_data() to retrieve a time series of hourly prices per RIC.
query_definition = historical_pricing.summaries.Definition(
start=query_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
end=query_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),

As you can see in the log, I have batched the requests to be a max of 50 RICs and the date filter restricts the amount of historical price points returned. Typically I am receiving around 5000 data points back per request, which doesn't seem like a problem when I look at the usage limits. Additionally, I am making synchronous calls so I am not going to breach 5 requests per second. Lastly, the daily limit of 5Gb and minute limit of 50Mb are much larger than the data I am requesting per day.
Therefore I cannot understand why I am getting this error:
Error code 429 | Client Error: Too Many Requests - Too many requests, please try again later.