I am using the IPA Financial Contracts for Fx Cross api to resolve Fx prices.
I have made the same request (see payload below) several times over a period of 2-3 hours. Sometimes I receive an error response, sometimes I get a successful response.
The error response was: QPS-Pricer.8020:Market data: No Fx Spot Point available. Fx Spot is N/A for the cross code 'GBPUSD'.
Do you know what this message means and why I might get it periodically?
I am testing the system with many requests (in the region of 3000 fx prices).
The payload is this:
"instrumentDefinition": {
"fxCrossCode": "USDGBP",
"fxCrossType": "FxForward",
"instrumentTag": "12908240928_USDGBP",
"legs": [
"fxLegType": "FxForward",
"endDate": "2024-03-05"
"instrumentType": "FxCross",
"pricingParameters": {
"isIntraday": true,
"priceSide": "Ask",
"valuationDate": "2023-12-15T16:17:01"
Many Thanks...