I need to create a middleware that can be connected using the old RT library.
At this point it is connecting to trep, using the following config an an example.
*ipcRoute: triarch_sink ap-trep1A ap-trep1B
I tried simply adding my own IP of my application or localhost besides and removing trep hosts.
As I understood form digging the code, triarch_sink is required and is used for port resolution ?
I created a simple app just to act as a server to test connectivity. When starting the application, I get the following error:
ssl_errno = 6 on channel = -1
<src/ipc/sipcsrvr.c:1834>sipc46CBind() sipcHostByName() failed (11001)
sipc_errno = 2 sys_errno = 11001
file = src/ssl/edapi.c, line = 1576, Channel = -5
sslSetProperty: Bad Argument: OptionCode: 15. Channel does not exist.
ssl_errno = 6 on channel = -1
<src/ipc/sipcsrvr.c:1834>sipc46CBind() sipcHostByName() failed (11001)
sipc_errno = 2 sys_errno = 11001
file = src/ssl/edapi.c, line = 1576, Channel = -5
sslSetProperty: Bad Argument: OptionCode: 15. Channel does not exist.
I tried adding self signed cert for the server app, did not help.
Is this possible to do in a first place and how can I go about it?