Is there a way to stay connected on both Eikon Desktop App and Eikon API proxy at the same time? It seems that when you log in to one of them the other logs out
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Not at the moment. However in a couple of weeks Eikon 4.0.42 will be released to all users globally. This and any subsequent versions of Eikon will have API proxy embedded in Eikon application. You will not need to run separate API Proxy application to be able to use Eikon Data APIs. Eikon application will be acting as API proxy listening on port 9000, so as long as Eikon application is running you will be able to execute your Python scripts just as you do today only without separate Eikon API Proxy application.
Hi Alex, I have 4.0.42 installed, how do I go about enabling the proxy functionality on it?
You don't need to enable anything. Just launch Eikon and then run your Python script. Eikon application will act as the API Proxy.
Hmm, I tried that and it didn't work?! I ran a netstat in Windows and it doesn't seem like anyone is listening on port 36036 if I don't run the actual proxy.
My apologies. The port number I gave is incorrect. I just corrected it in my response. When Eikon v4.0.42 is launched it creates the file named ".portInUse" under %APPDATA%\Thomson Reuters\Eikon API Proxy\ and writes the port number to be used by Eikon Data APIs into this file. Eikon Python library picks up the port number from this file. The first port that's checked for availability (and used if available) is 9000. This is a change compared to standalone Eikon API Proxy, which by default used port 36036.
Can you see if Eikon creates %APPDATA%\Thomson Reuters\Eikon API Proxy\.portInUse file and what port number it puts in there? Then check if you have Eikonbox.exe process listening on this port. Finally make sure you use the latest available version of Eikon Python library (it's currently version 0.1.9). Use pip to check the version number of the package you have installed.
Thanks Alex, got it working using the info in your last comments!
Got the same problem, Eikon did not create the .portInUse file. Created manually the file with "9000" as content and now it works.
How did you create the file? i too have the same problem
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.