...RD_P_CCY" between Field Dictionary and Enum Type Dictionary? Can someone share any thoughts on this?
On commenting the FIDs mentioned here exception propagates to next line. ID are same for enumtype.def and RDMFieldDictionary files. Any thoughts here what could be wrong. The same files were working fine in window with the similar configuration.
Exception in thread "main" Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='loggerMsg
ClientName: DictionaryCallbackClient
Severity: Error
Text: /cme/apps/install/eps_eda/conf/eps_eda/reuters/enumtype.def
Current working directory /cme/apps/run/eps_eda
Error text Error
channel: null
ErrorId: -1
sysError: 0
text: Acronym mismatch "PRE_2ET014" and "TRD_P_CCY" between Field Dictionary and Enum Type Dictionary
at com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmBaseImpl.ommIUExcept(OmmBaseImpl.java:1213)