I develop with EMA C++, and get quote from TREP.
I found some errors "Service for this item was lost";
When I get this error, I can not get the info of the RIC.
The log is shown as the appendix.
thanks .lost.txt
Hi @luxiangyuan
Please see this existing thread discussing the same warning message.
Looking at the limited log extract that you provided, it looks like the server disconnected your application. Possible causes for such a disconnection are component restart, bandwidth exhaustion, or networkoutage.
Is this happening frequently or was this a one of incidence? Did the connection eventually re-establish itself?
If it is happening more than once, did it start to happen after your changed your RequestTimeOut? If you are having ongoing connectivity issues, I recommend you contact Premium Support so they have help you diagnose your issue offline.
hello Umer:
I am glad to see your answer, thank you very much.
1 I do not have the permission of the link "this existing thread"
2 this happening frequently, and can not re-establish itself all the time; because If one RIC was lost ,I can not get any Msg of this RIC;
3 It starts to happen after I add RequestTimeOut in the EmaConfig.xml,
before I add the timeout option, I alaways get timeout errors.
4 I do not have the permission of the link "this existing thread"