I am using the elektron platform's category=data/symbology, endpoint=convert and I am also using python3's urllib for making GET/POST request.
I can use the following GET method for converting symbols (which means my headers, auth, etc are all good):
However when I tried to use the POST method and construct the body with a list of symbols I get 400 error. More specifically, what is the anticipated body for the following data:
data = {
"universe": [
is it 'universe=IBM.N&universe=MSFT.O', 'universe=IBM.N,MSFT.O', 'universe%5B%5D=%5B%27IBM.N%27%2C+%27MSFT.O%27%5D' or 'universe=%5B%27IBM.N%27%2C+%27MSFT.O%27%5D'? The later two are given by urllib's urlencode method.