We received historical news data, is there are a sample\sdk to play\filter\parsh the data into structures? in cpp or python
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Hello @iliak,
No, if you are linux based, these tutorials can still be used as a learning vehicle, but you will not be able to take advantage of the downloadable code as is.
If you have Java capability, you may take advantage of the ready code in
Java EMA Consumer - Request & Decode Machine Readable News
And several additional use-case MRN sample apps are made available in
... if you are looking to start from zero, and to be consuming MRN on linux, in C++, quickly.
An MRN EMA C++ consumer is an EMA C++ consumer first, additionally it includes MRN fragment reassembly, which is included in MRN tutorials and samples.
One way to get started from zero, is to take consumer example from EMA C++ SDK for Linux and to merge MRN parsing from MRN C++ tutorials into it.
There is no code sample offered specifically on parsing of MRN history dump, the content sample is usually reviewed against MRN Data Model Guide.
To aid developers in integrating MRN realtime consumption in C++,
In Elektron C++ area there is
EMA Consumer - Request & Decode Machine Readable News
tutorial. The tutorial aims to give a step-by-step understanding of the code required to integrate with Elektron C++, and the completed code that is referenced is included with the tutorial.
(The analogous tutorial in Java is available in Elektron Java area)
On understanding MRN content,
should be of help in understanding the contents of the historical MRN sample.
Thanks but we are linux based. And the samples are for windows, do you have something like this for linux ?
sample\example to read\pharse historical files preferd
can you provide links form MRN EMA C++ samples, and the steps required to compile it in linux, what specific semples are the closed one for "playing" TRNA flat news\score file
In my answer above, please see:
Of particular interest is "Decoding & Re-assembly Overview" section but I would not recommend skipping to this section. I would rather advise to read through the concise tutorial, a couple of pages long, to get the complete understanding of what is required to implement.
As a C++ Linux developer, there are two main sources of knowledge that we provided for you:
Elektron C++ Linux SDK example set (do you see the complete platform-specific consumer example? have you had a chance to built and run it?)
And MRN specific guidance, which is in C++, but with the tutorial code implemented for windows. Have you had a chance to read through the tutorial, do you find the approach to consuming MRN in C++ to be clear?
We do not provide any examples for replaying MRN flat score files. They are made available for client review during evaluation period, to determine if the content is what you are looking for.
We do not prevent clients from parsing and replayng samples provided for evaluation, but in my understanding, it's an effort, not undertaken during the evaluation period, knowing that this will not be the strategic solution going forward.
Most of the reviewers of the MRN archives review the content, and if found useful to the organization, purchase and integrate realtime MRN into their solutions.
If you require in-depth coding assistance, as a customer, you will find solid advice with your Refinitiv account management team.
I hope this info is of help?
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.