What is the right "service name" to use with the Elektron API?
We are building a streaming service using the Elektron Java SDK. We have used the "example100__MarketPrice__Streaming" example code, provided as part of the SDK download, to get started.
This code sets up a request for a RIC code using a service name of "DIRECT_FEED", as in the code snippet below:
consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("DIRECT_FEED").name("IBM.N"), appClient);
The above uses a service name of "DIRECT_FEED". However, the tutorial on the Developer Community website has similar code, but uses a service name of "ELEKTRON_AD":
The API concepts guide says "A consumer subscribes to a service or service ID that in turn maps to a service name in the Source Directory". Searching the reference documentation for EMA only says things like "ServiceName: Required. Specifies the name of the service from which the consumer wishes to request the item".
It appears that none of the tutorials or documentation explain what a service name actually is, nor provides a list of them. As such, we have no idea what service name to use in order to get streaming prices. Please do tell us what the appropriate service name is that we should be using for our requirements, which are to stream prices for various futures contracts.