So I’ve completed these steps successfully:
- I have built the electron libraries
- I have built the consumer example program
Locate reference : ./Elektron-SDK-1.4.0.L1.linux/setup/Elektron-SDK-1.4.0.L1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Ema/Examples/Training/Consumer/100_Series/100__MarketPrice__Streaming/Consumer.h
- I have created a password for our machine id in our UAT environment
- I run the executable from the directory where the EmaConfig.xml from the example code is located
Upon running the code, which subscribes to IBM.N on serviceName ELEKTRON_DD with consumerName Consumer_3
I get the following error:
[New Thread 0x7ffff5798700 (LWP 5163)]
TimeStamp: 09:00:04.480
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Error
Text: Failed to add RsslChannel(s) to RsslReactor. Channel name(s) Channel_3
Instance Name Consumer_3_1
RsslReactor 0x0xd39b50
RsslChannel 0
Error Id -1
Internal sysError 0
Error Location /local/jenkins/workspace/ESDKCore_RCDEV/OS/RH6-64/rcdev/source/esdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Reactor/rsslReactor.c:5809
Error Text Failed to request authentication token information. Text: </local/jenkins/workspace/ESDKCore_RCDEV/OS/RH6-64/rcdev/source/esdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Rea\
ctor/Util/rsslRestClientImpl.c:1520> Error: Failed to set CURL options with text: Failed initialization
[Thread 0x7ffff5798700 (LWP 5163) exited]
I can supply the source code, but it’s the same as the example. Is it possible to get some help in figuring out what this error message means? Could it be that i'm not providing proxy information?