Hi Team,
I'm facing 2 issues while connecting ERT in Cloud,
1 . I have account in ERT, and read the document in Quick Start guide and trying to invoke the below command in Mac OS,
> sh gradlew runVAConsumer -PcommandLineArgs="-uname <ERT username/machind ID> -passwd <ERT password> -keyfile <KeyStore file> -keypasswd <KeyStore passowrd> -connectionType encrypted -c amer-1.pricing.streaming.edp.thomsonreuters.com:14002 ELEKTRON_DD mp:IBM.N -sessionMgnt"
getting the below error,
> Task :Eta:Applications:Examples:runVAConsumer FAILED
Ultra Performance API (UPA), Java Edition, LibraryVersionInfo
productInternalVersion: etaj3.4.0.L1.all.rrg
productDate: Refinitiv
Consumer initializing...
Reactor.connect failed with return code: -5 error = Required parameter clientId is not set
2. The below issue with SpeedGuide Tool, I created AppKey using EDP API (last check box only) in Key Generator, and used my ERT Machine id, Password, and Key

Any suggestion and help much appreciated! Thank you!