Aside from using the Fiddler tool, can you show me a way of extracting XML request/response from the client's application?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Yes, you can do this programmatically.
Developers can print XML request/response of TRKD services in their applications just by adding a few code lines. Below you can find information on how to catch SOAP messages in .NET, Java and PHP..NET
This simple code sample showing how to serialize TRKD XML request/response and output it wherever you want (console, xml file).
// Create request
// userName, password, appID should be initialized above
var request = new CreateServiceToken_Request_1
Username = userName,
Password = password,
ApplicationID = appID
};// Serialize request
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(request.GetType()); // using
//var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CreateServiceToken_Request_1)); // System.Xml.Serialization;
// Print to console
var builder = new StringBuilder(); // using System.Text;
var writer = new StringWriter(builder); // using System.IO;
serializer.Serialize(writer, request);
// Print to XML
var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); // using System.Xml;
var writer = new StringWriter(); // using System.IO;
XmlTextWriter xwriter = new XmlTextWriter("request.xml", null); // using System.Xml;
xwriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
Java (GlassFish Metro)
The following code sample shows MessageDumpingFeature class usage. Metro has this feature to provide the access to the SOAP messages. Using MessageDumpingFeature it is possible to get the content of SOAP messages at run-time and process them with your own code any way you like.
// Instantiate the web service client
TokenManagement1 tokenService = new TokenManagement1();
// get port
ITokenManagement1 tokenPort = tokenService.getHttpsAndAnonymousITokenManagement1HttpsAndAnonymous( new AddressingFeature(true));
// create request
// serviceUserApplicationID, serviceUserPassword, serviceUserName should be initialized above
CreateServiceTokenRequest1 serviceTokenRequest = new CreateServiceTokenRequest1();
// Prepare to plug in the code that allows to read SOAP messages
MessageDumpingFeature auth = new MessageDumpingFeature();
WSBindingProvider wsbp = (WSBindingProvider) tokenPort;
// call Token Management service
CreateTokenResponse tokenResponse = tokenPort.createServiceToken1(serviceTokenRequest);
// print the request to console
// print the response to console
This code sample demonstrates SoapClient class usage.
The class contains 2 methods, which allow to extract SOAP XML request/response(__getLastRequest and __getLastResponse).
In order to enable your SoapClient to catch request and responses you need to set trace option to true in the options list that you pass to the constructor.
// make sure the credentials are initialized here
$createTokenRequest = array(
'ApplicationID' => '',
'Username' => '',
'Password' => '');
// create SoapClient object specifying a WSDL required
$client = new SoapClient("",
array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2,
'trace' => true)); // <-- here enable trace to log SOAP messages
// create request headrs array
$wsAddressingHeaders = array(new SoapHeader(
''), new SoapHeader(
'', 'Action', ''));
// call service and get response
$createTokenResponse = $client->__soapCall('CreateServiceToken_1',
array('parameters' => $createTokenRequest),
null, $wsAddressingHeaders);
// print request
// the htmlentities() function converts characters to HTML entities
echo htmlentities($client->__getLastRequest());
// print response
echo htmlentities($client->__getLastResponse());
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.