We have a .NET client application that subscribes to Thomson Reuters RFA News Feed direct. We are trying to diagnose an issue with the application that features the Event Queues MaxQueueDepth being reached and reset. We need to understand the rate that the event queue fills over time to understand why the event queue is filling up passed the MaxQueueDepth threshold.
I have added logging in a class called RdmClient that inherits from ThomsonReuters.RFA.Common.Client. I am trying to log the current queue depth size and the currently executing process physical memory usage so that we can better understand how the application is performing over time. The application logs the queue depth size and the physical memory usage every-time it processes and event on the Event Queue.
So far the logs are showing the Current Event Queue depth as being either 0 or 1. I am not sure if I am logging the current queue depth accurately of correctly. I wanted to find if anybody has better ideas in regards to effectively logging the current queue depth as the application executes?
James Kibirige