Im trying to process error handling for channel disconnections and errors. I can see that the Eleketron already logs an error containing the info that I want but the StatusMsg that I receive from the OmmConsumerClient do not have this info.
Below is what logs I see from the Elektron logs. I want to be able to get the Text containing Channel_1 and Channel_2 as well as the connection refused..
WARN 2020-02-11 06:08:37.199-0600 OmmConsumerImpl [pool-3-thread-1]- loggerMsg
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Warning
Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_2
RsslReactor @5aaf0534
RsslChannel @3c5be0d
Error Id 0
Internal sysError 0
Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent
Error text Error initializing channel: errorId=-1 text=Connection refused
ERROR 2020-02-11 06:08:42.206-0600 OmmConsumerImpl [pool-3-thread-1]- loggerMsg
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Error
Text: Received ChannelDown event on channel Channel_1
Instance Name ReutersConsumer_1
RsslReactor @5aaf0534
RsslChannel @5468f011
Error Id 0
Internal sysError 0
Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent
Error text Error initializing channel: errorId=-1 text=Connection refused
The StatusMsg that I received only tells that the channel has closed and does not tell which of the multiple channels is down.
WARN 2020-02-11 06:08:42.206-0600 LoginOMMConsumerClient [pool-3-thread-1]- Login state is not OK. State=Closed / Suspect / None / 'channel closed', Msg=StatusMsg
domain="Login Domain"
state="Closed / Suspect / None / 'channel closed'"