We change API from RFA to EMA to connect to Reuters servers.
When we request IDN_SELECTFEED.ANY.INUSNDS.NaE by executing snapshot feature,EMA abnormally ends with a CORE file and outputs the following message in the log file.
"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thomsonreuters::ema::access::OmmInvalidUsageExceptionImpl'"
According to our investigation, the error message is generated by Elektron-SDK1.2.1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Ema/Src/Access/Impl/OmmInvalidUsageExceptionImpl.cpp.
Are there any differencies between RFA and EMA as for how to execute the snapshot feature?
The error message occurs in case that we use EMA in Linux server, but in case that we use RFA in Solaris server, there is no error message.
Best Regards,
Shoichi Takii