Api returns the following error.
{'error': {'id': 'af03c43a-0f51-43d7-aab2-aedfbb95591f', 'code': 700, 'message': 'Unhandled while receiving NEP response.'}}
The error seems to be an issue from the server-side. Do you still found an issue with a specific storyId?
If you still receive the error please open a new ticket to support team who takes care of product News on Refinitiv Data Platform via my.refinit.com to investigate the issue further.
Hello @henry.nganga,
"af03c43a-0f51-43d7-aab2-aedfbb95591f " does not appear to be a valid storyId?
StoryIds by convention start with "urn:".
Try storyId "urn:newsml:reuters.com:20200625:nGUR30b33H:1 ". I just tried it both with API Playground and with RDP Postman Collection -> News -> Get Story Per Id was able to retrieve the story by this storyId successfully.