I have a C++ program that posts RIC data to the TRCC using the Elektron SDK. v3.10.3. We've been running an automated posting service 24/7 for over a year. Saturday morning all posts began failing due to what appears to be a certificate error. I made no changes to the code at this time and my IT department says no facility changes were made.
The error occurs during the call to the OmmConsumer constructor. Here is the exception info:
Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='login failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds) for contrib1-amers1.platform.refinitiv.com:443)'
The program captures the SDK logging messages. Below is an example message. This text repeats several times until the attempt times out after 45 seconds.
Any ideas?
Naomi at the help desk is researching server issues but she said I should post to the API forum. Even if this turns out to be a facility issue on one end or the other, are there any workarounds?
Thanks, Jeff
TimeStamp: 13:51:04.161
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Warning
Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_2
Instance Name Consumer_1_1
RsslReactor 0x0000000001E06020
RsslChannel 0x0000000001E06020
Error Id -1
Internal sysError 0
Error Location C:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS140-64\rcdev\source\esdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Reactor\rsslReactorWorker.c:1132
Error Text <C:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS140-64\rcdev\source\esdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Transport\ripcsslutils.c:1788> Certificate validation err
: Hostname mismatchOpenSSL Error string: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed:ssl\statem\statem_clnt.c:1925: