Hi team:
Security level is low for my Machin ID. I accessed RRTO with EMA API, instead of Websocket API.
After ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery example ran for about 4 hours, it exited with error:
State: Closed/Suspect/Timeout - text: "TREP authentication token has expired."
1. As we known, there are refresh token and access token concept in RRTO. If EMA API is used in client side, does access token must be renew before it expires. If yes, which function should be invoked.
2. When security level of a MachineID is low, its refresh token should never expire. In this case, the consumer encountered the above error messenger and then exited, what actions should be done in the consumer side to avoid or fixed this issue.
3. Is there any best practices to avoid a consumer application throws the error messenger, "TREP authentication token has expired."