...d /storyID endpoint.
Hi, I would like to understand how to access the URL for a news story using the URN or URI that is returned by the /headlines and /storyID endpoint.
Yes, use like this: /data/news/v1/stories/{storyId}
the response will be an JSON message which will also contain the actual news story.
Hi @Jenna.Tabunda,
Are you looking for an external URL which when opened in a browser, will provide you with the story? If so, there is none - the story content is provided in the body of the response message when invoking the /storyID endpoint.
Hello @Gurpreet , I am referring to the below RDP endpoints:
Is there a way to retrieve a news story using the URN or URI using the above RDP endpoints? \
refer to the below sample URN:
How can we retrieve the news story of this URN using https://api.refinitiv.com/data/news/v1/headlines and https://api.refinitiv.com/data/news/v1/stories endpoints?
Thanks, can we also retrieve news story using URN via the endpoint https://api.refinitiv.com/data/news/v1/headlines?
No. You can only get a storyID from /headlines.
@Jenna.Tabunda ,
You cannot get news from Reuters website! The /data/news/v1/stories/{storyId} endpoint provides the story body.
Hello @Jenna.Tabunda ,
To give a quick example of the steps with details, as suggested by @Gurpreet ,
Run a headline request, and select/copy a valid storyId
"storyId": "urn:newsml:reuters.com:20201020:nL1N2HB2GF:6"
Next, request the story with this storyId using RDP news stories endpoint:
Hope this helps