I sent this question yesterday to customersupport@refinitiv.com and they directed me to ask this question here. I state this so that the dates returned at the bottom make sense (they were pulled yesterday).
I'm trying to understand why the latest timestamps being returned differ between GCc1 and SIc1.
For GCc1 I get a timestamp of today with yesterdays close while for SIc1 I get yesterdays timestamp with yesterdays close value.
Would you be to explain why they both don't have the same timestamp as the latest data point?
For reference:
Code in C#
Package used to connect to Reuters is EikonDataAPI
rtnRptVals.AddRange(GetCommodities(eikon, prefix: "Gold (US$/Troy Ounce)", ricCode: "GCc1"));
rtnRptVals.AddRange(GetCommodities(eikon, prefix: "Silver (US$/Troy Ounce)", ricCode: "SIc1"));
private List<ReportValueModel> GetCommodities(IEikon eikon, string prefix, string ricCode)
List<ReportValueModel> rtnRptVals = new List<ReportValueModel>();
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now;
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-13);
Deedle.Frame<int, string> data = eikon.GetTimeSeries(
new List<TimeSeriesField> { TimeSeriesField.VALUE, TimeSeriesField.CLOSE });
var values = data.GetColumn<string>("CLOSE").Values.Reverse().ToList();
var timeStamps = data.GetColumn<string>("TIMESTAMP").Values.Reverse().ToList();
var latestTS = timeStamps.First();
var latestVL = values.First();
For ricCode = "GCc1" we have latestTS = "2022-05-26 12:00:00 AM" and latestVL = "1841.1"
For ricCode = "SIc1" we have latestTS = "2022-05-25 12:00:00 AM" and latestVL = "21.86"