Is it like Acronyms of FID's can change without notice , and FID's cannot change ?
I need to decide between whether to hardcode FID / acronym to identify the field received .
Which one should i prefer
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Hi @yajnasteju
Once we create a field/fid in our data dictionary the number and acronym doesn't change, so using either would work. The only exception to this is where we have created some pre-defined fields in preparation for assigning them to a particular data item. an example of this kind of field is - the acronym is called PRE_* to indicate that it hasn't yet be defined. PRE_4TX125"PRED 4 TXT 125"14331So in theory using the acronym or the field number can both be used as they shouldn't be changed. That being said I always recommend coding to the field number if possible as there might be a possibility in the future at some point that an acronym could change/be corrected, whereas the number will always stay the same - I'd say it is very unlikely this would happen, but circumstances may require it one day.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.