Is there a sample / Code on how to request Index Summary / Market Summary RealTime?
Currently using,
Service: ELEKTRON_DDAPI: RFA .NETLanguage: .NET ( C# )
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
You can subscribe to a chain RIC (0#.NDX) to get all RICs enlisted under NASDAQ 100 index.
There is the StarterConsumer_Chain example in the RFA.NET package. The output looks like this:
After getting all items, you can use Market Price requests to get real-time data of those items.
Hi @amahdy
I would suggest you review the learning material around this API:
When using any of the realtime APIs, the data you request for is independent of the API - that is, you need to determine what data you want and you feed it into your request using the API. For example, if you are interested in the market summary for Nasdaq, you will request for this information using the RIC code: .NDX
Hi @nick.zincone
After searching for .NDX we found that it is a stock market index ( NASDAQ 100 index ), we would like to receive data-feed on both Markets "All Stocks enlisted under the stock market" and Indices.
then will we subscribe to Market Price domain, or we will use another one?
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.