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"Failed to open OMM stream" while trying to query RIC

Hi, I'm trying to do a simple query of a given RIC (USOILC=ECI) using the C# WebSocket API.

Unfortunately, every time I try and open a stream for the RIC, I end up with this error:

Stream error: 1/31/2023 8:43:47 AM: => {
  "Error": "Failed to open OMM stream - streaming services are unavailable. Verify log details and ensure you have permissions."
Request completed.

I have verified that the credentials are working, as they work for a different RIC (market data bars) but they seem to not work for any streaming capability. Did I define the stream incorrectly? Or is this a permissions issue? I've posted my code below.

    var stream = OMMStream.Definition("USOILC=ECI")
                               .GetStream().OnRefresh((item, msg, s) => Console.WriteLine(msg))
                                            .OnUpdate((item, msg, s) => DumpMsg(item, msg))
                                           .OnComplete(s => Console.WriteLine("Request completed."))
                                           .OnStatus((item, msg, s) => Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} => Status: {item} => {msg}"))
                                           .OnError((item, msg, s) => Console.WriteLine($"Stream error: {DateTime.Now}:{item} => {msg}"));
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Hi @gordon.konheiser,

I tried this RIC USOILC=ECI and was able to successfully get data with it. I used the C# Websocket sample from here, to request data from RTO.

I will point out that =ECI RIC usually requires additional permissions, so check with Refinitiv account manager if you have appropriate entitlements to request this instrument.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.