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interestAfterRefresh() always returning true even for snapshot request.


I am building a Interactive Provider. In onReqMsg() call back for a MMT_MARKET_PRICE when I check that request is snapshot or streaming using reqMsg.interestAfterRefresh(), it always return true irrespective the request msg is snapshot type or streaming type.

Though in xml trace I can see that STREAMING flag is not present in the received snapshot message

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Hello @amit.visiyait

Sorry for the late reply. The issue has been fixed in RTSDK 2.1.0. You can download the SDK package from here.

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Hello @amit.visiyait

Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you encounter this issue with the EMA Java API?

If so, there is GitHub issue #221 in the RTSDK GitHub repository, the development team is working on it.

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Hi @wasin.w ,

Thanks for quick acknowledgment. Yes this issue is with EMA java API.
What is the ETA for its closure. Is there any workaround of this as this looks blocker issue.


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Hi @wasin.w ,

Thanks for quick acknowledgment. Yes this issue is with EMA java API.
What is the ETA for its closure. Is there any workaround of this as this looks blocker issue.


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Hello @amit.visiyait

I am checking with the RTSDK team. I will give you updates as soon as I receive any information from them.

Hi @wasin.w

Do you have any update regarding above issue.


Hello @amit.visiyait

I did not receive any updates from the team yet.
I highly recommend you contact the RTSDK team directly via the RTSDK GitHub Issue #221 page.

If you are an RDC-named user (paid service), you can contact the Real-Time APIs support team via the "contact premium support" bottom on the RTSDK Java page. You can contact your Account representative about the RDC support program.


26.4k 62 17 14

Hello @amit.visiyait

Sorry for the late reply. The RTSDK team confirms that the issue will be fixed in the next release of the API (by the end of this Month).

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.