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Unable to subscribe to 1 min time series data individual US Rics

Dear Team,

in relation to this question

, I still once in a week have issues subscribing to 1 min timeseries OHLC data for these rics:


I use this code:

var timeSeries = DataServices.Instance.TimeSeries;





.From(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1)) //this can be extended to hours any anything of that kind



//.WithTimeZone(TimezoneType.Instrument) //when this is enabled, then it does not fire the events for new bars and everything


Sometimes, it works, if I subscribe before the market opens in the US, so 14:30 UTC time. And on some days, I cannot get

the subscription to work at all.

Though on other US equity rics, the subscription works perfectly.

Any ideas?


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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I ran into the same problem when subscribing to HCEIH3 with the following code.

tsRequest = timeSeries.SetupDataSubscription("HCEIH3")
            .From(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1)) //this can be extended to hours any anything of that kind

Sometimes, I didn't get any data back in the callback functions. However, if I change the From parameter to DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-30) or other values. The application can retrieve the data properly.

Please try to modify the value of the From parameter and let us know the result.

I hope that this information is of help.

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