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Get Date, Time and URL for ESG Controversies

Hi, I am trying to get the date, time and URL of certain news controversy categories. I used the "CODECR" app/ Formula Builder in Eikon to formulate the code. However, the results do not deliver the required date and URL (see picture) but they are available in Eikon (see picture). What is the problem here? Besides that issue I would also like to receive the publishing time of the article (available in the news article). Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance


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Hi @eressourcen ,

Thank you for your question. It seems the only thing is missing in the code is "AddSource": True. Please see an output from the following code bellow:

df, errors = ek.get_data("4295903068", ["TR.ControvTaxFraud",
                         parameters = {"SDate": "0", "EDate":"-10", "Frq" : "FY", "AddSource": True})


Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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Hi @eressourcen

Just to follow-up on Haykaz' response, within the Data Item Browser (DIB), when you find your field(s) of interest, you can see the available parameters you can add/use - one of which is the ability to "Add Source", i.e.


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Hi Haykaz and Nick,

Thank you for your answers! When accessing the source URL of the article 2021-06-03, one can see that the publishing time is 5:00 pm. The stated time by the source date item is 00:00:00 which is not correct. Is there also a way to access the correct time?

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Hi @eressourcen ,

The "esgsourcedate" output returns a date only. As indicated by Nick you can see all available parameters of a field in DIB. You can check all available outputs in "Output" field below:


I did check for time output, but unfortunately couldn't find one.

Best regards,


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