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How do I use ORGSRCH function in Eikon API (Python)?

I am using Eikon API in Python. I want to find the universe of listed and delisted companies in Brazilian market for a very long time. Asking for content support, I was directed to use the function ORGSRCH in the platform. I was not able to find any information about how to transpose the function ORGSRCH to the API. Is it possible?

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Hi @biblioteca01, I'd advise using Search as per this article: https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/building-search-into-your-application-workflow

import refinitiv.data as rd
from refinitiv.data.content import search

delisted_equ = search.Definition(
    view=search.Views.SEARCH_ALL,  # for info on `SearchViews`, you can use `help(search.SearchViews)`
    filter="IsExchangeListed eq false and CountryName eq 'Brazil'",
    select='DocumentTitle, RIC, IsExchangeListed, Country',
    # top = 100
delisted_equ_search_df = delisted_equ.data.df


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Hi @biblioteca01, I believe that the ORGSRCH is a 'GUI-only' accessible feature. However, you can use the Search API and Screener API (which you can use with RD as shown here). Do they meet your needs?

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Hi @jonathan.legrand, thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I am not able to find delisted companies in the Screener API:imagem-2023-04-05-140138824.png

I need to include delisted companies when analyzing the past to avoid survivor-bias. With ORGSRCH, I can do find these companies.

If you know another way to map these companies whithin the API, the help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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