We received a lot of RIC updates at around 08:22 CET, May I know how will we check what information contains in those status messages and why those updates were sent? we have already checked with our network team and no issues were found
2023-03-21 08:22:57.861 CET prd_reuters_elektron@SEB-PROD <warning>: Can't decode Status MarketPrice GBPSEK= @ 23 Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to getState() while it is NOT set.', ErrorCode='-4048'
2023-03-21 08:22:57.864 CET prd_reuters_elektron@SEB-PROD <warning>: Can't decode Status MarketPrice EURSEK= @ 23 Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to getState() while it is NOT set.', ErrorCode='-4048'
2023-03-21 08:22:57.867 CET prd_reuters_elektron@SEB-PROD <warning>: Can't decode Status MarketPrice EURNOK= @ 23 Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to getState() while it is NOT set.', ErrorCode='-4048'