

We have received a lot of RIC updates; May I know how will we check what information contains in those status messages and why those updates were sent? we have already checked with our network team and no issues were found

We received a lot of RIC updates at around 08:22 CET, May I know how will we check what information contains in those status messages and why those updates were sent? we have already checked with our network team and no issues were found


2023-03-21 08:22:57.861 CET prd_reuters_elektron@SEB-PROD <warning>: Can't decode Status MarketPrice GBPSEK= @ 23 Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to getState() while it is NOT set.', ErrorCode='-4048'

2023-03-21 08:22:57.864 CET prd_reuters_elektron@SEB-PROD <warning>: Can't decode Status MarketPrice EURSEK= @ 23 Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to getState() while it is NOT set.', ErrorCode='-4048'

2023-03-21 08:22:57.867 CET prd_reuters_elektron@SEB-PROD <warning>: Can't decode Status MarketPrice EURNOK= @ 23 Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Attempt to getState() while it is NOT set.', ErrorCode='-4048'

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You need to enable tracing in the API to verify the retrieved messages by using the XmlTraceToFile configuration. This configuration is in the Consumer node, as shown below.

<DefaultConsumer value="Consumer_1"/>
            <Name value="Consumer_1"/>
            <Channel value="Channel_1"/>
            <Logger value="Logger_1"/>
            <Dictionary value="Dictionary_2"/>
            <XmlTraceToFile value="1"/>

With this configuration, EMA will create a trace file named EmaTrace_xxx.xml. This file will contain the sent and retrieved messages in XML format.

<requestMsg domainType="RSSL_DMT_MARKET_PRICE" streamId="5" containerType="RSSL_DT_NO_DATA" flags="0x44 (RSSL_RQMF_STREAMING|RSSL_RQMF_HAS_QOS)" qosDynamic="0" qosRate="1" qosTimeliness="1" dataSize="0">
    <key  flags="0x3 (RSSL_MKF_HAS_SERVICE_ID|RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME)"  serviceId="10004" name="IBM.N"/>

<!-- End Message (Channel IPC descriptor = 592) -->
<!-- Incoming Message (Channel IPC descriptor = 592) -->
<!-- Time: 8:50:38:132 -->
<!-- rwfMajorVer="14" rwfMinorVer="1" -->
<refreshMsg domainType="RSSL_DMT_MARKET_PRICE" streamId="5" containerType="RSSL_DT_FIELD_LIST" flags="0x1FA (RSSL_RFMF_HAS_PERM_DATA|RSSL_RFMF_HAS_MSG_KEY|RSSL_RFMF_HAS_SEQ_NUM|RSSL_RFMF_SOLICITED|RSSL_RFMF_REFRESH_COMPLETE|RSSL_RFMF_HAS_QOS|RSSL_RFMF_CLEAR_CACHE)" groupId="1" seqNum="64816" permData="0301 6462 C0" qosDynamic="0" qosRate="1" qosTimeliness="1" dataState="RSSL_DATA_OK" streamState="RSSL_STREAM_OPEN" code="RSSL_SC_NONE" text="**All is well"  dataSize="1633">
    <key  flags="0x7 (RSSL_MKF_HAS_SERVICE_ID|RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME|RSSL_MKF_HAS_NAME_TYPE)"  serviceId="10004" name="IBM.N" nameType="1"/>
        <fieldList flags="0x9 (RSSL_FLF_HAS_FIELD_LIST_INFO|RSSL_FLF_HAS_STANDARD_DATA)" fieldListNum="79" dictionaryId="1">
            <fieldEntry fieldId="1" data="3E"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="2" data="40"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="3" data="494E 544C 2042 5553 204D 4143 4849 4E45"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="4" data="02"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="6" data="0807 9DC4 A0"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="7" data="0807 9DC4 A0"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="8" data="0807 9DC4 A0"/>
            <fieldEntry fieldId="9" data="0807 9DC4 A0"/>

Therefore, we can verify the retrieved messages in this file. If the messages are suspect, we can contact the server team to verify why the server sent those messages.

I hope that this information is of help.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.