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How do the alert pages sequencing work - I'd like to subscribe to ALERUX pages with EMA API?

I noticed last week that refinitiv publish alerts on pages RSF.ALERU1, ALERU2 ALERU3 etc. How/what can I programatically subscribe to so I get the latest alerts as ticks on my EMA app?

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Hi @duncan_kerr,

You can subscribe to the alert RIC using EMA, just like any other instrument. The data is returned in the ROW80_xx fields, and the updates will be published as the alerts get generated or cleared. There is no paging of these pages. I found that ALERU1 - ALERU90 are all valid RICs and represent different asset class. So your application should subscribe to the alerts that are relevant to your data type. Here is a sample response from ALERU1:

"ROW80_1":"                 SERVICE ALERTS FOR INFORMATION PRODUCTS                  ALERU1",
"ROW80_10":"update is at 06:00 GMT on 04-Jul-23.                                            ",
"ROW80_11":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_12":"Incident Summary:                                                               ",
"ROW80_13":"Quote data between day session end and night session open on Osaka Exchange Day ",
"ROW80_14":"Session RICs and Night Session RICs is suspect.                                 ",
"ROW80_15":"Customers are requested to refer to Whole Session RICs.                         ",
"ROW80_16":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_17":"This is due to software deficiency.                                             ",
"ROW80_18":"This issue affects the customers globally.                                      ",
"ROW80_19":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_2":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_20":"Affected Asset Class: Derivatives                                               ",
"ROW80_21":"Affected Products: Refinitiv Eikon, Refinitiv Workspace and Refinitiv Tick      ",
"ROW80_22":"History                                                                         ",
"ROW80_23":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_24":"For full details, click                               ",
"ROW80_25":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_3":"Osaka Exchange Day Session &  Night Session RICs        ALERT STATUS = Confirmed",
"ROW80_4":"                         Checkpoints (All Times are GMT)                        ",
"ROW80_5":"                                       Outage Start:           06:00 30 Mar 2023",
"ROW80_6":"  First Reported:  11:46 12 Apr 2023   Last Updated:           06:28 28 Apr 2023",
"ROW80_7":"  Next Update:     06:00 30 May 2023   Estimated Resolution:   Not Yet Available",
"ROW80_8":"                                                                                ",
"ROW80_9":"Update 3 at 06:27 GMT: Refinitiv is working to resolve the issue. The next      ",
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hi Gurpreet - is the allocation of pages to ALERU1 thru 90 documented anywhere? Im just trying to understand how to determine what's on each page and/or where to go for FX info (for example) without checking all 90 pages?

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Hi @duncan_kerr​,

I recommend opening a content ticket with Refinitiv helpdesk at A content expert will be able to advise which alerts page is relevant for your use case.

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