I have trouble downloading historic data for certain macro-economic rics, specifically "aUSCGDPYD/A" (via Refinitiv.Data.Content nuget).
Eikon is running locally. I validated I can get data via Eikon for this ric (as a quarterly or yearly chart).
This is the request (of type Refinitiv.Data.Content.HistoricalPricing.SummariesDefinition):
var rdpRequest = Summaries.Definition("aUSCGDPYD/A") .Interval(Summaries.Interval.P3M) .Count(1) .Sessions(Summaries.Sessions.normal); IDataSetResponse response = await rdpRequest.GetDataAsync();
The response can be seen in the attached screenshot (HTTP status code 404 page not found).
I tried various intervals, including P1D, P1Y etc, all returning the same error code.
Other macro-economic rics (e.g. aUSDCVWA) return data as expected.
Normally, for unknown rics we get back something like "the universe is unknown", but we have validated it is a known ric.
The response containing an http code "404 page not found" is a bit unexpected (I wonder it's to do with the forward slash in the ric's name).