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404 error when requesting historic data for macroeconomic ric using Refinitiv.Data.Content

I have trouble downloading historic data for certain macro-economic rics, specifically "aUSCGDPYD/A" (via Refinitiv.Data.Content nuget).

Eikon is running locally. I validated I can get data via Eikon for this ric (as a quarterly or yearly chart).

This is the request (of type Refinitiv.Data.Content.HistoricalPricing.SummariesDefinition):

var rdpRequest = Summaries.Definition("aUSCGDPYD/A")

IDataSetResponse response = await rdpRequest.GetDataAsync();

The response can be seen in the attached screenshot (HTTP status code 404 page not found).

I tried various intervals, including P1D, P1Y etc, all returning the same error code.

Other macro-economic rics (e.g. aUSDCVWA) return data as expected.

Normally, for unknown rics we get back something like "the universe is unknown", but we have validated it is a known ric.

The response containing an http code "404 page not found" is a bit unexpected (I wonder it's to do with the forward slash in the ric's name).


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19k 86 39 63

Hi @GoGoGroundhog

I received an update from the desktop team. When an instrument contains a '/', eg: "aUSCGDPYD/A", the library correctly converts this to %2F within the URL request. However, a desktop module incorrectly decodes this back to a '/' and as a result causes confusion and results in the 404 error. There is an open ticket to resolve this.

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Thanks for the follow-up!
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@GoGoGroundhog This appears to be a content issue - I could also not get it using the RD library but I was able to get it using the Eikon Data API in Python (which uses a different backend service).

Please see pic below - the correct interval should be 'quarterly' but again this doesnt work for me either via the RD libs. You can try this in codebook for yourself.

import as ek
import datetime
ek.get_timeseries(['aUSCGDPYD/A'],interval='quarterly', start_date='2022-01-01', end_date='2023-03-31')


I have opened a Content Query case number:12550163 on your behalf and they will reach out to you shortly. I hope this can help.

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Hallo Jason,

thanks for your help! I got an answer from the content team on this (not sure you can see that as well). They can see the quarterly data in Eikon (yes, me too), but the problem is getting the data via the RDP API. Happy to provide more info if necessary.

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Hi @GoGoGroundhog / @jason.ramchandani01,

Receiving a 404 seems a little odd so I tried testing the same request against a Platform session and received the following response:


I'm in the middle of investigating with the Desktop team, but it appears there may be an unwanted interpretation of the response coming back when the response contains no data, as it appears to occur for this instrument. The 404 error indicates the server could not find any data.

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Hi Nick,

thanks for investigating this!

Above, Jason mentioned the correct interval to use should be "quarterly". As I could not find that in Refinitiv.Data.Content.HistoricalPricing.Summaries.Interval I assumed P3M would be internally mapped by the API to the correct value, can you confirm this?Btw are P12M and P1Y synonyms?



Hi @GoGoGroundhog

The intervals you see within the interface are inline with what the endpoint service defines. Yes, the P3M is "quarterly". However, the issues with this request are not related to the interval, rather what appears to be some kind of permission issue with the symbol. We'll need to wait to see what the service team concludes based on their investigation.

Regarding the 404 response we are seeing on the desktop, I'm in the process of investigating that with the desktop team.

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