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we getting Error while building Real-time SDK application on docker Image

we are using Jenkins pipeline to create docker image but we are getting below error while building Real-time-SDK on docker Image.

docker image :gradle:7.3.3-jdk17-alpine

11:49:25 #25 37.69 * What went wrong:

11:49:25 #25 37.69 A problem occurred evaluating project ':Java'.

11:49:25 #25 37.70 > Could not find method wrapper() for arguments [build_arduxfpezttd6ihaovk07vv1q$_run_closure7@47110717] on project ':Java' of type org.gradle.api.Project.

Also we tried to remove below and tried but we are getting error

wrapper {

gradleVersion = '7.3.3'



12:05:22 #25 66.43 > Task :Core:compileJava

12:05:22 #25 66.43 /home/gradle/Core/src/main/java/com/refinitiv/ema/access/ error: package com.refinitiv.eta.valueadd.common does not exist

12:05:22 #25 66.43 import com.refinitiv.eta.valueadd.common.VaNode;

12:05:22 #25 66.44 ^

12:05:22 #25 66.44 /home/gradle/Core/src/main/java/com/refinitiv/ema/access/ error: cannot find symbol

12:05:22 #25 66.44 class DataImpl extends VaNode implements Data

12:05:22 #25 66.44 ^

12:05:22 #25 66.44 symbol: class VaNode

Kindly please help on this issue.

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Hi @saimahesh.mummaneni

I am not sure if it is a good idea to build the entire RTSDK package with Docker. You should build only the code and configurations you need.

There is the Refinitiv Real-Time Java Docker Image that is built on top of Oracle Linux. The goal of this image is for SDK learning only, not for production use.

I highly recommend you contact the RTSDK Dev team via the RTSDK GitHub page if you really need to build the entire RTSDK package with Docker.

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