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Where can I download websocket example in C# for authentication, login, and sending request(by RIC) and get data back using the ELEKTRON_DD service all in one?

For real time data and snapshot data. I'm using visual studio 2022 to create a winforms project.

It should be run on the IDE/.exe directly, not using command line.

I intend to get data through the internet/cloud not our own TREP server.

I asked about python but I want to explore which language is better when I actually starts development.

it's because the actual program will not be just getting data, it will handle the data in some way and show the updated data via a GUI. And it also will store the data in our database and updates the database in real time

while receiving the data in real time. Thank you.

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Hi @tobywong ,

The example codes of Websocket API for Pricing Streaming and Real-Time Services is available in Feel free to check the readme file for sample code's explanation and the examples are found under the Applications/Examples folder. Examples are provided in the several programming languages, and the C# one is in

Please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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