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Status messages Documentation

Hello Team,

Can I have a documentation on different status messages ?

Example of the messages:



domain="MarketPrice Domain"

state="Open / Suspect / None / 'Service not available'"






domain="Login Domain"

state="Closed / Suspect / Not entitled / 'Force Logout from DACS.'"






domain="Login Domain"

state="Open / Ok / None / 'channel up'"






domain="Login Domain"

state="Open / Suspect / None / ''"


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Hello @praful.devmk01

### The Status Message ###

The status message indicates changes to the stream or data properties. The message contains StreamState, DataState, StateCode, and the status text in the following format.

state = "{StreamState}/ {DataState}/ {StateCode}/ {status text}"
  • StreamState: Conveys data about the stream’s health.
  • DataState: Conveys data about the health of data flowing within a stream
  • StateCode: An enumerated code value that conveys additional information about the current state

By default, if the StreamState is "Open" and DataState is "Suspect" (example state="Open / Suspect / XXXX/ 'YYYY'"). It means the stream is still open but data is not available because YYYY reason. Once the data is recovery, the API automatic recover that data stream subscription for the application.

If the StreamState is "Close" and DataState is "Suspect" (example state="Closed / Suspect / XXXXX / 'YYYYY'"), it means that data stream is closed.

If the Login stream status is "Closed / Suspect /", all other openned streams are closed and the API will not recover the streams. The application needs to re-create the new OMMConsumer object to initiate a new connection and then re-subscribe items to the server.

### Force Logout from DACS. ###

The “State: Closed/Suspect/Not entitled - text: "Force Logout from DACS."” indicates that the logins stream between the API and the server is closed. The closed login stream also closes all opened streams (including items streams) and the API will not recover the streams. The application needs to re-create the new OMMConsumer object to initiate a new connection and then re-subscribe items to the RTO server.

The "Force Logout from DACS." error message is generated from the Refinitiv Real-Time server side. Based on my research, the problem is most likely related to the following causes:

  1. During the RTO maintenance windows
  2. Use a single Machine-ID with multiple applications/connections/sessions
  3. Unknow cause, need to contact the RTO server team to verify the issue on the server side

About the RTO maintenance windows, you can find more detail on section 5 “Product & Usage” of the document.

It is not recommended to use a single Machine-ID with multiple applications/connections/sessions. The reason is the applications may encounter an error when an access token expires or when the applications attempt to refresh an access token. If you need to run multiple applications/sessions with the RTO Machine-ID type (Version 1 Authentication), you need multiple Machine-IDs.

### "Open / Suspect / None / 'Service not available'" ###

This status message means the service is currently down or not available yet. The API automatics recovers the subscription items for the application once the service is UP.

Or the application requests data to a service that does not exist on the ADS.

I suggest the client check with the ADS server team to verify is the service name is valid and UP.

### domain="Login Domain" state="Open / Ok / None / 'channel up'" ###

This status message means the Login stream between the API and server is opened.

### domain="Login Domain" state="Open / Suspect / None / ''" ###

This status message means the Login stream between the API and server is opened, but somehow the data is not available. The API normally recover the stream for the application.

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