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Issue connecting to Eikon via API websocket

Item: Error: { "Error": "Failed to open OMM stream - streaming services are unavailable. Verify log details and ensure you have permissions." }

I am getting error when attempting to connect to Ekion from and in house application. This was working before, nothing had changed. I've already checked with the Refinitiv account and the user do have permission to access the instruments. Attached are the list of errors I am getting.


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Hi @Mark Yip ,

Reading through this article, I am wondering: how are you connecting to LSEG services/datasets? Via a desktop session?

Hi @jonathan.legrand it is via the Desktop Eikon.

After extensive back and forth with Refinitiv helpdesk, they identified that the user's hosted Eikon license was not permission to receive data via API, however this has been working. User's now been permission with the new Product/license and its now working again.

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Hi @Mark Yip

A major issue within streaming connection between Python clients and Eikon 4 was fixed last week.
Could you check if you're still reproducing the error ?

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Hi @jonathan.legrand, Eikon makes a connection to LSEG, the account is hosted. The application makes a webscocket connection to the local desktop Eikon to retrieved market data.

We used 2 different hosted accounts when logging onto the same Eikon. One fails to retrieve data into the in-house app, one was successful.

Attached screenshot, on the left, which fail's, stop's at the line 2.2.05-Pricing-StreamingEvent.exe. On the right, the application receives a successful logging into stream.capture-2.png

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Hi. We are working on integration with Metastock using Refinitiv .NET API. We are able to connect and request history, but when we try to subscribe for live data we receive same error:

"Error": "Failed to open OMM stream - streaming services are unavailable. Verify log details and ensure you have permissions."

According to Metastock representative account has all required permissions:

"I can confirm that your account should have access to the streaming data for MSFT so the next step would be to post the issue into the developer community"

Pleas advise how we can solve this issue.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.