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The example to connect to Realtime API

Dear Supporting Team,

1st of all, I would like to give a sorry message for my stupid question :)

I am planning to integrate my application to get the real-time G7 pricing value, I have some questions on this context as below:

1. What is Refinitiv's Application Name that supports my expectations?

2. Can I connect my Application to your Real Time Pricing application directly?

3. If it's possible, please gime an example on .Net framework please.

Thank you for supporting

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Hello @tunglt15

I suggest you check the Enterprise Message API (EMA API) of the Real-Time SDK C# Edition.

The API is the message-level and ease-of-use API that provides simple interfaces to connect and consume real-time streaming data from the Real-Time Platform.

The SDK lets you connect to the Real-Time Platform with the following deployment scenarios:

  1. Connect to the deployed RTDS (Real-Time Data Distribution System) directly: This is the on-prem scenario. You need to deploy the RTDS server components on your environment.
  2. Connect to the Real-Time components on the Cloud (Real-Time Optimized, aka RTO). The application just connects to the cloud hosted (AWS) Real-Time solutions.

I strongly suggest you contact your LSEG representative to help you choose which scenario is match your requirements.


  • If you are using the connect to the deployed RTDS scenario, the suggested example is EMA C# Cons100 example.
  • If you are using the connect to the Cloud scenario, the suggested example is EMA C# Cons113 example.

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Dear @wasin.w

Thank you so much for your suggestion, I am looking into it.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.