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How to get all RIC data which I contracted using python websocket API?

I am using Python's websocket API to get real-time prices for financial instruments, how can I get all the prices for my contracts?

Looking at the program here(, it seems that only a single commodity code can be specified for the argument RIC.

Is the only way to get prices for multiple commodities is to run multiple programs with different arguments?

python#technologyrdp-apipython apiricsrdprefinitiv-realtime-optimised
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Hello @GFIT junichi.kayamoto

The WebSocket API supports a Batch request that you can specify multiple RICs in a single request message as follows:


You can find more detail on the WebSocket API tutorial: Make a Batch Request for Multiple Items page.

The Python example is the file on GitHub (see send_market_price_request() function). This example is for the deployed RTDS connection, but you can apply the Batch Logic to the RTO connection too.

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Thank you for quick reply!

I confirmed the above Python example and I think I can do it!

I have another question about this.

Can I specify which I retrieve fields (ask, bid, quote_time, etc.) of price data by editing the following key "View" in the dictionary ?

The following code is in the python script that you sent (

mp_req_json = {
        'ID': 2,
        'Key': {
            'Name': [
        'View': [
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26.4k 62 17 14

Hello @GFIT junichi.kayamoto

Yes, you can use the View feature to specify which fields you want to subscribe to.

Example View JSON message:


The View can be combined with the Batch subscription as shown in the example.

You can find more detail about the View feature on the WebSocket Tutorial: Filtering the Field List – specifying a View page.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.