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Is it possible to get realtime data if we are using api key of account which has real time data acess but on other PC which has reuters login but don't have licence for realtime data.

Hi , I am trying to get real time data acess ( EURIBOR3MD= in this case) . I don't have licenced to get realtime acess of this particular RIC, I have acess of delayed data on my account. I just wanted to know if i have APi key of account which has access of realtime data and by using that key can i get realtime data ..Please note that the python code which i am running is on my PC ( not access to realtime) but using API key (account which has access and logged on some other PC).If it is possible Please also share the syntax to fetch that.

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10 |1500

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Hi @rishav.jindal ,

By hovering the cursor on the field you're interested in Quote application, the RIC and field that can be used to retrieve this data will be shown. For example,

import refinitiv.data as rd


rd.get_data('EURIBOR3MD=', 'PRIMACT_1')

here's the result which is the same value shown in Quote app


1706526243070.png (25.9 KiB)
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Hi @rishav.jindal,

I presume you are referring to getting real time data from Eikon/Workspace API. The API key does not contain the license/permissioning information, but it is the desktop itself.

If the local Workspace instance you are running, does not have access to realtime data, then the API key of another user will not be able to get it either.

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

ok Can you share the syntax to get the data corresponding to 3M in the image given

also the latest date
Screenshot 2024-01-19 143646.png

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