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Manage data access entitements with RTO


My client application is using EMA in order to connect to RTO for real time data.

This is a 3 tier application where EMA runs on the server side. My question is having no DACS, how are we supposed to manage data access entitlement for every application user?

Thank you

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Hello @DimAngelNX,

Currently RTO provides data which is permissioned for a particular ID (Machine ID or Service ID). If you are developing a multi-tier application and need to fan out data to your users, your application will have to enforce entitlements and do "quote counting".

I am not sure how the accounting works and what data agreements would need to be in place for generating exchange reports - your LSEG account manager should be able to find out and provide more detail about that.

I have heard of a "DACS in the cloud" system in the works - for the use case that you mention, but don't have any concrete information about it.

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Ok so af far as I understand your reply, my application should be able to produce a report showing which app user has consummed what data (all app users being served by the same subscription using the service_id) ?

Thank you

Yes, but please speak with your LSEG account manager to get details on the legal filing/reporting requirements.

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