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Best practice for obtaining RIC/PermID for companies

Hey together,

is there any best practice how I can get the RIC or PermID automatically (not manually, via an API, or Python Lib Dataplatform) if I have a list of many companies? I only have the information of the companies like name, address, country etc., and as unique identifier only the DUNS number? Does anyone have experience with this?

Best regards

#technology#productpython apiricspermid-api
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Hello @marcel.kuhn

I would encourage you to check the matching anyway, maybe the expirience is not 100% automated as using the python code, but maybe it will be more efficient in your case.

Here you can download the template and there are few examples provided how it should be populated.

In case of any questions, I'll be happy to assist.

Best Regards,

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Hello @marcel.kuhn

Have you tried to use Matching APIRecord Matching | PermID

Here are the details: PermID - Record Matching - RESTful API | Devportal (

As you already have a lot of organization details you will be able to get 1000 matches in one file

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@aleksandra..wawrzyniak Thanks a lot

So far, I used:

opid = OpenPermID()"company_name", entityType='organization')

Probably it is very similiar (or the same in the end) to your proposal? But it also just based on the name.. probably there is no other solution... or is it possible to do a combination so like "Name" and "Country" and xyz...

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Thanks! And there is no way to have kind of Lookup to get the PermID from a DUNS number? I can remember, in the past, it was possible?

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Hello @aleksandra..wawrzyniak

Could you please help with this follow up question?

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