Using WEBSOCKET API , is there is a way to know if we are connected via RSSL or SSL?
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Using WEBSOCKET API , is there is a way to know if we are connected via RSSL or SSL?
Hello @LanceGabriel.Villacrusis,
Websockets is a data transport protocol. When connecting to RTMDS there is an option to use it with ws (unsecured) or wss (SSL - Secure sockets layer) protocol.
RSSL and SSL (Source Sink Library - deprecated) are different transport protocols - and neither are used by websockets.
Hello @LanceGabriel.Villacrusis
If the client wants to use the RSSL connection (which provides much better performance than the WebSocket API), the client needs to use the LSEG Real-Time SDK only:
This Choosing a Real-time Streaming API article might help the client to use the API that matches their requirements.