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Historical Performance Data via LSEG Data Library for Python

I'm attempting to access historical data for a set of companies using the LSEG Data Library for Python, but I am struggling to find the right methods. Particularly, I'm looking to find cash flows for previous years given a company's name. Is this achievable via this API and if so, what is the correct methodology? Thank you!

#technology#productpython apilseg-data-library
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As a follow up, I'm aware of the .get_history() function. However, when I attempt to obtain historical fundamental data, it seems that only the most recent report for any of the cash flow-related data items is available- everything else is simply <NA>
15.6k 33 5 10

Hi @zachary.robers ,

Have you had a chance to check article about lots of different fundamental content here. In short the code is as follows:

import as rd

rics_list = ['IBM.N']
df1 = rd.get_data(rics_list,['TR.F.CashflowStatement.fieldname','TR.F.CashflowStatement.fielddescription','TR.F.CashflowStatement'],parameters = {'Period': 'FQ0','reportingState':'Rsdt', 'curn':'Native', 'Scale':'6','SORTA':'LISeq'})


To retrieve RICs by company's name, Screener can be used, you can check this article Find Your Right Companies with SCREENER | the Data Library (Python). For example,


import as rd
from import Screener


rics = Screener('U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.CommonName,"Vodafone Group PLC","Microsoft Corp"), CURN=USD')

Here's the result as Python list

['VOD.L', 'MSFT.OQ']

1730707773665.png (84.1 KiB)
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In case you want to find the company that contains the company name you have instead of exact company name, search function can be used, please check article Find content and functionality using the Data Library with Workspace Advanced Search

For example,


Here's the exported code

import as rd

df =
view = rd.discovery.Views.ORGANISATIONS,
top = 1000,
filter = "( SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Companies/Issuers' and (DTSubjectName in ('microsoft' 'vodafone')))",
select = "CommonName,PrimaryRIC"

The result of search function is


From this, the list of RICs can be extracted with the code below, and this list can be used as an input of get_data function in the previous comment

rics_list = df['PrimaryRIC'].dropna().tolist()

result is


1730708106064.png (208.4 KiB)
1730708252364.png (20.3 KiB)
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.