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Eikon API could not work with Workspace

Workspace already start and run , but still show error , do I need to change any configure ?

2022-08-23 16:11:44,462 P[15312] [MainThread 19972] Error: no proxy address identified.
Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
2022-08-23 16:11:44,471 P[15312] [MainThread 19972] Port number was not identified, cannot send any request
2022-08-23 16:11:44,473 P[15312] [MainThread 19972] Port number was not identified.
Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
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You can check the node-sxs.<date>.p<pid>.log in the Refinitiv Workspace Logs folder.

My log file is in the C:\Users\U8009686\AppData\Local\Refinitiv\Refinitiv Workspace Logs\Desktop.20220823.101359.p25880 directory.

The content looks like this:

2022-08-23T10:17:50.920Z|info|[console](api) [WebSocketProxyServersProviderImpl]Creating new WebSocket server instance
2022-08-23T10:17:50.920Z|info|[console](api) [WebSocketProxyServersProviderImpl]Creating new WebSocket server instance
2022-08-23T10:17:50.921Z|info|[console](api) [WebSocketProxyServersProviderImpl]Creating new WebSocket server instance
2022-08-23T10:17:50.922Z|info|[console](api-svc) Processing socket
2022-08-23T10:17:50.922Z|info|[console](app) User&apos;s POs pos=SIDEBYSIDE,APIPROXY
2022-08-23T10:17:50.947Z|warn|[console](api) [SecurityTokenHandlerMiddlewareOptionalDecorator]An error occured while checking security token but security token is not mandatory, calling next middleware anyway ...
2022-08-23T10:17:50.948Z|info|[console](api) [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #b276899f-77f4-452d-9e3b-1db6a4ad7c36] New incoming GET request
2022-08-23T10:17:50.965Z|info|[console](api) [LogRequestDetailMiddleware][Request #d72232da-3c67-4627-8c4d-240b56200fca] New incoming POST request
2022-08-23T10:17:50.970Z|info|[console](api) Write port file
2022-08-23T10:17:50.970Z|info|[console](app) API Proxy is listening to port: 9001

This indicates that it supports SIDEBYSIDE and APIPROXY. The listening port is 9001. Therefore, you can test the connection to this TCP port by using a web browser to access the following URLs.



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confirm workspace already run at same machine

err.jpg (437.9 KiB)
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@Jirapongse Thanks for your help

I check my workspace log and found below error message


After check all your suggestion steps and when I start Workspace and open 1 training python program today , it works !!! But I still not understand what is the root cause !! I had also check today's Log , it is same as yesterday !!


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

To verify the problem, we need to check:

1. Eikon Data API log by setting ek.set_log_level(1)

2. The Eikon or workspace log

3. Eikon Data API endpoints:

Eikon Data API may not be able to find the TCP port used by the API proxy.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.