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Messenger Bot API server connection issues


I've found that I occasionally get server connection issues when trying to refresh the authentication token every five minutes.

2022-11-02 11:56:32.157+0100 root                : USER: INFO     refreshing authentication token.
2022-11-02 11:56:46.622+0100 root                : USER: ERROR    RDP authentication result failure: 500 Internal Server Error
2022-11-02 11:56:46.625+0100 root                : USER: ERROR    Text: {"error":"server_error"  ,"error_description":"Request "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" has failed on backend call timeout" } 
2022-11-02 11:56:46.627+0100 root                : USER: ERROR    IOError Exception: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 1 column 57 (char 56)
2022-11-02 11:56:53.811+0100 root                : USER: ERROR    RDP authentication result failure: 400 Bad Request
2022-11-02 11:56:53.814+0100 root                : USER: ERROR    Text: {"error":"access_denied"  ,"error_description":"Thread interrupted while sleeping; nested exception is java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted" } 

It seems that some server error occurs. Do you know why? Is it due to the thread, websocket or server API?

I'm using the tutorial which can be downloaded here:

Thanks in advance.



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Hello @Cemil Yigit

Sorry for the inconvenience.

An error message “XXX has failed on backend call timeout” is usually caused by internal issues inside the platform, so the platform interrupts the request after 9 seconds to avoid problems. The server team advises that the application should have a retry logic (2-3 times) with exponential backoff as this issue is intermittent and the request should be fine on the next attempt.

Hope this helps.

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