I have followed the steps from https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time-opnsrc/rt-sdk-java/tutorials/ema-consumer/ema-consumer-posting-data-to-contribution-channel and now I can post data via consumer directly to Refinitiv Contribution Channel (RCC). So no questions about that. However, I need to write some integration tests for our posting consumer, but I cannot figure out how I can emulate a connection behind a tunnel. There are a lot of test examples how a consumer can connect directly to a provider and post some data. For example:
./gradlew runiProvider340 - starts interactive provider and accepts posting message from a consumer
and when I run
./gradlew runConsumer341 - messages are posted to the provider.
All is good, except the fact that this method to test is not working if I use tunnelled connection. EMA Java SDK provides a test for the tunnel posting consumer ex440_System_TunStrm, but how I am supposed to test it? against what? My believe that my tests are supposed to be run offline, tests also are run in parallel which is another reason not to open a real/true connection to Refiniv servers on each test run. Is the there a way to test let's say ex440_System_TunStrm consumer or the one mentioned in the article offline as part of local integration tests?