Hi, I'm trying to test the Eikon Data API. I want to retrieve texts of news through Codebook. Could you help me how to make query for extracting news and where manual is of that.
Sorry to ask such a basic question.
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @masatoshi.kawashima ,
Thank you for your question. To see the examples of using Eikon for news retrieval, please follow this folder in Codebook "__Examples__/01. Data Retrieval and Discovery/01.04. Eikon Data API/" and open Eikon_Data_API__News file.
Hope this helps, please let me know should you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Hello, @aramyan.h
I found the file. It's helpful for me.
Thanks for your help.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.