Understanding Discrepancies in StreamingPrices, Historical Prices, and EDP Functions in EIKON DAT...
...A API
I've been working with the rdp.steamingPrices API for news headlines and the rdp.get_historical_price_summaries() function, along with some EDP functions in the EIKON DATA API. I've noticed some inconsistencies in the data I'm receiving, and I'm hoping to get some clarification on the concept of a "universe."
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If you can provide more details, that would be helpful.
If you have not already, I would recommend you review the learning material within the Developer Community. The tutorials refer to a series of examples within GitHub that will cover a number of details related to streaming prices and historical price summaries. You can also refer to the get_history() API call.
Hi @Katherine_Ryan
If you can provide more details, that would be helpful.
If you have not already, I would recommend you review the learning material within the Developer Community. The tutorials refer to a series of examples within GitHub that will cover a number of details related to streaming prices and historical price summaries. You can also refer to the get_history() API call.