Get a couple of questions and will be great if you can enlighten me. FYI I am operating it in Python environment.
- What is the difference between, refinitiv.dataplatform and eikon
- I can use the service quite freely when I have my Refinitiv Workplace logged on, however, how can I use them WITHOUT LOGGING ON the workspace?
a. For, are there any sample code can show me how to pass in the credentials?
b. For refinitiv.dataplatform, I used sample code as below, wonder for the username and pw is it the same as my workspace id and pw (or I need the machine key?); and for the app key I feel like I can generate unlimited app key in the app, is that it does not really matter as long as I see the owner value the same as my registered email?
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
#Open the session
#Create and open a Platform session to connect directly to the Refinitiv Data Platform
username = 'YOUR RDP UID',
password = 'YOUR RDP PWD'
c. For eikon, I only see in the sample code that the app key is required via ek.set_app_key. How can I pass in my user credential or if it is not necessary at all?
3. FYI I fail to connect any if my refinitiv workspace is not running. I share the error code I see below, will be great if you can help.
Trying rd
Trying rdp
Trying eikon and it also have error like "no proxy address identified" etc. I'm not able to upload any more pics.
Thanks team for the help/