Actually we are working with ING to activate some software using the ADH on RTC, but when we try to use it, we received the message
< Info: Fri Oct 20 18:15:19 2023>
Unable to start server. Received new service entry with serviceId 0 that does not contain a 'ServiceState'.
When we look on this refinitive service we saw this one was down, then we were testing with one of your internal tools testserver
“./testserver -S SOPHIS -pb 100 -f sample_performance_12.xml -c -N 14002”
Source: SOPHIS and port 14002
And we saw this one start the SOPHIS Service, unfortunately we don’t have the code of this tools to check with our code to compare.
If we connect afterward to this service like this one is up this is working perfectly.
Can we receive the code of this internal tools, specially the connection to RTC and the part you start the internal service to be able to connect. Like we have only ADS and ADH and all our services are always up, is difficult to reproduce in our environment, like ING is using RTC and some services are not always up