We were using C++ SDK 2.0.1.L2.Linux(EMA) these years. In order to switch to auth V2, we plan to upgrade to SDK 2.1.2.L1.linux first and then switch to auth V2.
Here is what I changed,
1. Replace old Ema source files with new files in Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1.linux/setup/RTSDK-2.1.2.L1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Ema/Src/

2. Replace old libema.a file with new file in Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1.linux/setup/RTSDK-2.1.2.L1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Ema/Libs/RHEL8_64_GCC831/Optimized/libema.a
3. Replace old librssl.so and librsslVA.so with new version from Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1.linux/setup/RTSDK-2.1.2.L1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Eta/Libs/RHEL8_64_GCC831/Optimized/Shared/

4. Add header files and cpp files from ETA, Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1.linux/setup/RTSDK-2.1.2.L1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Eta/Include and Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1.linux/setup/RTSDK-2.1.2.L1.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl
When I did all four steps and tried to complie the old program, there are a lot of errors. The main issue is the error in rtratomic.h, but I do not know which step goes wrong.

Do you know why this happened and how to fix the issue?